

Snow and rain do not mix. Today’s weather was disgusting and it put me in a foul mood. My IEP meeting got cancelled and I stepped in an ice puddle that came up to my calves. Note to self: don’t go outside until April. Needless to say, I skipped the gym because my toes were burning from the freezing cold water that got trapped in my shoe and I couldn’t bear the thought of walking home and then going back out again.


Dinner was based around this soup. I’m into chunks, so I bought a few items to make the soup more hearty.


I sautéed peppers, shredded chicken, and broccoli in some olive oil before adding the soup to the pot and letting it simmer.
The soup was awesome. Bravo. And, it tasted great with the last of the cornbread!
Tomorrow, I’m doing some testing at an elementary school and then babysitting in the evening. It’s going to be a looong, rainy day. I think I need an attitude adjustment. k night.

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  • Mom
    January 19, 2011 at 11:17 am

    Gosh I hate it you had a bad day. I think there’s a Mother Goose rhyme about a big old puddle. I’ll have to look it up!