Out on a School Night


Work, spinning…you know the drill. But rather than cook dinner this evening, I got to eat out! One of Matt’s good friends and his wife were in town for the evening, so we caught up with them at Dillon’s for a quick drink n dinner.


I had a Sam Brick Red…probably my favorite Boston beer other than the Sam Cherry Wheat and the Harpoon Belgian Pale Ale. I’m going to miss these local guys, but I’m excited to try some new southern brews. Our dinner mates are also moving from the big city to North Carolina, so it was fun to think about how our lives are going to change in the coming months.


Dinner was a pecan encrusted chicken salad with blue cheese, pecans, and corn. I had an incredible salad at Dillon’s last time I dined there, and was hoping to get the same one, but tonight’s was a bit different. It was still absolutely delicious, but not the same as the grilled chicken and goat cheese medallion pile I remember from last summer.

It was so nice catching up with friends, and man I forgot how fun it is to go out during the work week. Tomorrow looks like it might be a long day with work and then travel to reach our Memorial day destination, so I’m signing off for the night. See ya.

  • happytalesblog
    May 30, 2011 at 11:06 pm

    No way, y’all are moving to NC?! Which part?! I live in Charlotte!

    On another note, my boyfriend and I are actually looking to take a week-long trip up to Boston in early August… any good recommendations for places to eat?!

    • Laura
      May 31, 2011 at 9:01 am

      We’re moving to Durham. Yes, I have lots of recommendations! What kinds of food/atmosphere do you like?