Friday on Wednesday


Matt is officially finished with his first year of business school! So, the last Fuqua Friday of the year was held this evening. The food was decent – black bean burgers, spicy sausage, corn on the cob, salad, roasted potatoes, and fruit. I went back for some vanilla ice cream that was fabulous. I must buy the lowfat/froyo versions too often, because this ice cream tasted like pure cream. It was heavenly.


Not many people were there tonight, but all of our friends were, so it was fun to see people before we all go our separate ways for the summer. It’s sad!

I had a small glass of white to go with the hot weather (which I loooved btw).
Matt’s off to the end-of-year luau, but us working folks (aka, just me) can’t stay up that late on a school night. I’m content to be cozy at home though, and I’m hoping an early bedtime might help with my lingering ear aches and congestion.
And tomorrow’s one day closer to the real Friday. Hurray!!