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Thoughts from a Thursday

Life Ramblings

-I spent the whole year waiting for it to warm up, and now I’m very excited for some cooler temps. I think fall in New York is going to be amazing. Also, the mosquitos seemed to have finally arrived at the park. -I’ve taken Emerson to check out two preschool prep/two’s programs for the fall.  She LOVES it, but I’m already sad that she’s grown up and off to school. -I finally got a good Stitchfix (<–my discount link)!  I liked…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Life Ramblings

-We’ve been using the ferry system to get around sometimes and it’s soooo much more enjoyable than the subway.  Living by the water is fabulous in the summer and I love being able to hop on a boat! -Em is just in the best stage right now and her personality is cuter than ever before. She’s been happy, taking great naps, and so talkative and hilarious. Also, she had her first kiss yesterday when our [16-month-old] neighbor walked up to…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Ramblings Shopping

I’ve been thinking of buying a fun one-piece this year but just cannot find one that covers my behind. Why do designers assume that if one wants to cover part of her stomach that she must want to let her cheeks hang out?? Also, I’ve been trying on larges and extra larges and they still are too small. If you’re feeling generous, I’m obsessed with this organization and they are raising money for the many children you’ve probably heard about…

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Thoughts from a Thursday


I’ve been really into J Crew Mercantile since I discovered it in Dallas.  Matt and I stopped by the outlets last weekend and I snagged this dress plus sandals and earrings (I keep buying studs – will I be able to wear dangle earrings again soon?). Speaking of shopping, where can I buy good, white V-neck tees? I used to buy them at Target, but now they are that clingy, sheer fabric.  I want a thick tee that won’t stick…

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Life Update

Brooklyn Life Ramblings

How’s it going out there? Safe to say spring has arrived in most of the country? It went from zero to eighty over here and I’m loving it.  I hate to be so weather obsessed, but it makes such a big difference in daily life. We’ve been out and about more, seeing flowers and boats and green, and going to bed so tired and content at the end of the day.  I know I said this a few weeks ago,…

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Treadmill Stress Reliever

Life Ramblings

I exercise primarily because I love the way it makes me feel, but also because it melts stress away. I classify my stress into two different categories: 1. Anxiety stress where I’m worried about something happening to Emerson or that my IUD got lost inside my body (no, it was just my spleen hurting when I had mono), or fear that our president will start WW III.  For this type of stress, there is no better solution than slow flow…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Clothing Life Ramblings

I feel like my hair has gotten so dark since giving birth, and highlights no longer last more than 6 weeks.  Did this happen to anyone else?  Maybe I’m just old and it has nothing to do with pregnancy. Now that Emerson eats three meals a day plus snacks, I feel like we’re always out of food. I can’t imagine what it’d be like with a 16-year-old boy.  I need to get back into preparing energy balls and snacks. Does…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Life Ramblings

I know I’m over mono because all of a sudden I have my energy back – I’m so happy to feel normal, and I finally feel like I’m used to staying at home full time. I’ve seen most beautiful snow flakes here – they’ve been giant in the past two storms and seem to float upwards in the crazy nor’easter wind. I have a lot more time to keep up with friends now, and I’ve enjoyed having friend dates, play…

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This & That Around the ‘Net

Life Ramblings

Have 20 minutes?  Here are ONE TWO THREE 20-minute at-home workouts I’ve enjoyed lately. You can get one done before you even have time to dread it. Although I don’t feel the same way about all of her points, I found this piece about becoming a SAHM so interesting. I’ve been dreaming of new throw pillows and stumbled upon these beautiful patterns on Etsy. I can’t convince Matt to spend that much on a pillow cover right now, but hoping I…

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