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Iced In


A holiday and a half day due to ice made last week fly by…and now we’re almost in February. I can’t say I’m too sad that January is almost over:) We had plans to head to Duke for our weekly Fuqua Friday, but because of the icy conditions, it was cancelled. Matt swung by the grocery store and picked up a package of bacon and a hunk of pizza dough and a beautiful pie was born. We declared this the…

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Thoughts from a Tuesday

Life Ramblings

-I can’t believe how much the temps dropped overnight. And I can’t believe I lived in Boston and could endure this type of weather for months! I keep thinking just get through these two weeks and it will be February. Then I feel guilty for wishing time away. You know those House Hunters episodes where they just uproot, move to a Caribbean island, and volunteer at the locals schools? That sounds really appealing right now:) -Warmth reminds me of beach…

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Double Header


Would you believe I stayed in both nights this weekend? I’m definitely in the post-Christmas-its-cold-hibernation mode. Plus, Matt was out of town on Friday night and I was too tired to make plans. So I went grocery shopping and came home with a huge WF salad and introduced myself to Downton Abbey. I wasn’t instantly hooked, but I really liked it and definitely will be watching more. I keep thinking about the characters. Its not Friday night without a beer!…

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Cooking Life

It was a girls night in this evening. Me and all the VS girls that is. They watched me eat dinner and salivated over my pasta:) I’ve been having trouble sleeping since the break (probably because I stayed up late and slept in for ten days), so I was more than happy to take it easy and relax tonight. I’ve said it a million times, but I need to work on winding down before bed. I LOVE the internet so…

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Back to the Usual

Cooking Durham Restaurants

Ahh, friends, this weekend was peaceful. And I just got back from seeing Les Miserables. Matt and I took sandwiches and had a Monday night dinner date. The movie is SO.GOOD and very beautiful.    After the holidays, I really needed a Friday night in, so that’s what I did – a delicious cabernet from the Wall Street Journal annual selection (a gift from Matt’s parents!) was opened. Matt and I accidentally drank the whole bottle because we liked it…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Cooking Life Ramblings The Working World

Not just any Thursday, it was back to work day. Waking up was horrible but once I got there it felt quite good to have a purpose to my day! Leftover jambalaya for lunch definitely spiced things up:) It was not a good day for the heat to stop working in the building. My students have to take exams next week – no matter how bad going back to work feels, nothing is worse than taking tests!!! I know, I…

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A Lucky Dinner


Given how late we were out Monday, and how much I drank, yesterday was a very very lazy day! We watched some movie about rescuing whales and did a whole lotta nothing. I realized that this is the first New Year’s that I’ve been at home, with my own kitchen, since high school (and back then I didn’t have my own kitchen!). So, I decided to cook a southern New Year’s Day dinner and invited my parents over. They brought…

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Headache and a Hairy Salmon Burger

Cooking The Working World

It’s getting to that point in the year when things are busy…but in a fun way! Yesterday, I made the last minute decision to accompany Matt to an end-of-term party. Before I knew it, I was drinking winter beer and indulging in this glorious mint chocolate cupcake with ganache in the middle! The party was fun, but it meant I ditched everything on my to-do list and got to bed way past bedtime yet again. Oh Christmas season. I think…

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Can you guys believe how quickly time is moving? T minus 2.5 weeks until Christmas break. And the 65 degree day really threw me off because it felt like March. I think I would be so confused if I lived in California. I’ve being doing a lot of eating around here: leftover apple crisp, salami, pumpkin roll, mexican dip, and wine. I decided I needed to cook a nice healthy dinner to get back on track. I’m not used to…

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