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My Favorite Popsugar Workouts


It’s no secret I’m a huge Popsugar Fitness fan. I’m always talking up their videos and sharing with friends.  I figured I’d put some of my favorites all in one place so I can share easily when people ask. Having access to free, high quality, motivating at-home workouts has pretty much changed my life – I’ve used these videos through two pregnancies, when traveling, and whenever I’m too tired or busy to go to the gym and deal with childcare…

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Weekend Rewind + Thanksgiving Prep

Cooking Weekends

Hello and happy Thanksgiving week! We are hosting Matt’s family and I’m excited to stay in Charlotte.  Aside from a lot of grocery shopping, food planning, and cleaning, I’m hoping it’s a relaxing week. Other than that, there’s not a lot going on over here. I’m just enjoying this slower season of life and spending most of my time at home.  Last week, my doctor cleared me for exercise, but I’m working with the pelvic floor PT to add specific…

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Treadmill Stress Reliever

Life Ramblings

I exercise primarily because I love the way it makes me feel, but also because it melts stress away. I classify my stress into two different categories: 1. Anxiety stress where I’m worried about something happening to Emerson or that my IUD got lost inside my body (no, it was just my spleen hurting when I had mono), or fear that our president will start WW III.  For this type of stress, there is no better solution than slow flow…

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Abdominal + Pelvic Floor PT

Baby Life

I wanted to share my experience with physical therapy because I found it sooo helpful.  After having Emerson, I was very careful about getting back into any ab work, and waited until nearly a year to start the ab sections of videos or classes. However, my core just didn’t feel right, and I was so afraid of making anything worse. Plus, my doctor had never actually checked me for diastasis recti (the official term for ab separation) and I was worried…

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