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Thoughts from a Thursday

Thursday Thoughts

How goes it out there? -I cannot believe this babe will be one next week!!! She is testing all the limits over here and wants to climb everything!! -We’re on a real home improvement kick over here (isn’t everyone?) and I’m going down the rabbit hole of paint colors for the interior. Our house is currently painted Pure White, and while I always thought I’d leave it as is, I think we may need a less intense white or a…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Thursday Thoughts

How are you all?  Lots of school decisions driving you crazy?  It seems like the last few weeks have been so hard mentally. I can’t believe I once thought this would be resolved with an 8 week lockdown:( -Avery FINALLY dropped the 5:00AM (knock on wood) feeding so I am a brand new person.  I was not able to perform very well as a mom without feeling rested, and quality sleep is a game-changer. -Like most people, I want to…

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Life Lately


Hello out there! It’s been a while since I’ve just written about life  – we are taking it day to day over here. I’m so thankful some of my neighborhood friends put together themes with craft ideas and activities for the kids! We did ocean week, Earth week, and space week thus far, and it’s given us a little bit of structure to our days.  We’ve also been taking daily walks and I’m kind of dreading the heat of July…

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Life Lately


Hello and Happy Earth Day! Between Avery’s teething and staying up late to work on last week’s Beautycounter charity pop-up, I am one tired mama!  But, I’m proud to say we raised $966 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation’s COVID Response fund!!! It felt so good to press that DONATE button, so thank you to any of you who shopped for the cause. Now if I could get Avery back to sleeping better at night.  Tooth #2 is popping through today,…

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Online Resources for Young Kids


Happy Monday! I’m sure you guys have seen many of these resources floating around – it was driving me crazy that I didn’t have them all in one place with live links, so I typed them up in a post. Hopefully, someone else will find this helpful too! San Diego Zoo Live Cams and San Diego Zoo Kids Monterey Bay Aquarium Live Cams The Cincinnati Zoo animal videos Scholastic Learn At Home (PreK-9) Cosmic Kids Yoga National Geographic Kids (videos…

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Kids + Anxiety

Life Parenting

I ran across this anxiety presentation my colleague (Dr. Staci Bloom) and I gave a couple of years ago, and thought it might be helpful. It was geared towards school/test anxiety, but most of the information can be applied in other situations.  I’ve seen some behavior in Emerson that I later realized was anxiety and have been making sure to give her lots of hugs and reassurance – she’s definitely picking up on some of our conversations/comments/behavior right now and…

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How are you guys? Can you believe how much has changed in just a week?  A much as I hate having to stay home, I’m relieved that the country seems to be on the same page now. In the big scheme of things, it’s an easy sacrifice for us to make for others in the community, and I’m grateful that staying home is an option for us right now.  I can’t stop thinking about all the small businesses that will…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Thursday Thoughts

-We made Emerson’s class Valentine’s on Wednesday (I’m so not crafty). I thought they looked pretty good, but she started crying when we finished.  Turns out, she was upset that they said ‘xoxo Emerson’ and not ‘xoxo Belle’ (aka Beauty & the Beast) on them. ha. -Em is starting to get a lot more interested in Avery and it’s so cute. But sharing is already hard. Please tell me it gets easier? -I got these sandwich thins more for Em…

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Toddler Lunches

Cooking Food Toddler

This is a topic I’m sure we all could use some help with!  I remember when Emerson was 9 months old or so and she was eating EVERYTHING – olives, fish, beans. Basically, if it was on my plate, she was shoveling it in.  Of course I thought that meant she was going to be an adventurous eater. haha.  These days, she’s eating more than she was at 2.5/3, and she’s in a major snack phase. Pretty much every 15…

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