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Bon Appetit


As promised, here’s a recap of our food tour and dinner.  We basically spent our whole day on Saturday eating!  I love learning things about cities I’m visiting and I also love food, so I signed up for a 2.5 hour walking food tour. The tour began with a sample of a simple (but slightly sweet) bread that comes from Quebec city.  Our tour guide was very informative and spent a good ten minutes at the beginning of the tour…

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Bad Blogger


Hi Guys, I mentioned yesterday that Matt and I were going out to dinner for a special treat.  Remember when we went to a restaurant week brunch and decided not to do a restaurant week dinner ?  Well, we set aside the money we would have spent on a dinner so that we could enjoy a fancy meal without the limited menu options of restaurant week and on a random night.  The other reason we decided to do this is…

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Whisky from ’18


Hello again, After a nice walk through the mall this afternoon (it was still raining , so we couldn’t go for a walk outside), we reconvened at my Aunt and Uncle’s house yet again.  I started my evening by tasting a couple of different wines, but the Molly Dooker Shiraz was my favorite again tonight. On the menu was my Grandpa’s very favorite meal: southern fried chicken with macaroni and cheese (and salad).  Ok, so my pictures are terrible, so…

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Boston to Baltimore


Matt and I arrived safe and sound in Baltimore and headed straight to my Aunt and Uncle’s house for a mini family reunion. It was so nice to finally be with my Grandmother! Of course we started the evening with Manhattans in honor of my Grandfather.  Mine was a bit strong so my cousin added a splash of ginger ale and cherry juice.  I also had a glass of red wine  called Molly Dooker (I think?).  It was so bold…

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Shakespeare on the Common


Good morning! I’m currently enjoying a bowl of strawberry yogurt flakes and watching Ellen.  I only have three more weeks until I begin my full time internship, so I’m trying to relax as much as possible!  I’m really going to miss having time in the mornings because I’m one of those people who takes a while to get going after I wake up. One of the ways I’m trying to bring balance to my life is by doing more enjoyable…

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